We want to promote an interesting, inspiring, and creative environment where artists feel free to express themselves. When using our website, we ask you to respect the Intellectual Property Rights of others.

If you access and/or use our website, located at www.seminal.one(Website), you are taken to have agreed to this Intellectual Property Policy(IP Policy). Please read this IP Policy carefully - if you don't agree to it, then you must stop using our Website straight away.

Your use of our Website is subject to our Seminal Artist Terms which incorporates this IP Policy. Any terms we use in this IP Policy have the definitions given to them in our Seminal Artist Terms.

As a general guideline, you take full responsibility for the works you upload. You must obtain consent before uploading any other person's works, including if your upload previously purchased on our Website through our second-hand marketplace.

2. Conduct we don't accept

When you use our Website, we expect you to abide by a certain standard of behaviour. You must not do or attempt to do anything that is unlawful, which is prohibited by any intellectual property laws (including breaching any other person's Intellectual Property Rights), which we would consider inappropriate or which might bring us or our Website to disrepute.

3. Making a complaint

If you believe your Intellectual Property Rights (or those of someone for whom you are authorised to act) have been infringed through our Website, please notify us by emailing the address at the end of this IP Policy. In your email, please include:

  • your name, phone number, email address and electronic or physical signature;

  • if you are acting on behalf of someone, their signed authorisation for you to submit a complaint on their behalf;

  • a statement that you believe that your Intellectual Property Rights (or those of someone for whom you are authorised to act) have been infringed and that all of the information in your complaint is correct; and

  • a description of the works claiming to be infringed, including a URL if you have one, and any other relevant details about the works.

4. Notice and takedown procedure

If we have received a complaint or suspect a user has not complied with this IP policy, we may:

  • investigate the complaint;

  • notify the user, who then has the opportunity to respond by filing a counter-notice (the procedure for which is described below);

  • remove the works, if we determine that the works are infringing somebody's Intellectual Property Rights; and/or

  • suspend or delete the user's account.

By following the above notice and takedown procedure, we are not making any finding or determination about whether there has or has not been any breach of any person's Intellectual Property Rights.

5. Filing a counter-notice

If you are notified that work you have uploaded is subject to an investigation, you may file a counter-notice. Counter-notices must be sent to the address at the end of this IP Policy and must include:

  • your name, phone number, email address and electronic or physical signature;

  • if you are acting on behalf of someone, their signed authorisation for you to submit a counter-notice on their behalf; and(the procedure for which is described below);

  • a statement setting out why you believe the work in question does not breach any Intellectual Property Rights.

We may request further information to determine whether the work should or should not be removed from our Website.

Email: admin@seminal.one